SAVE THE DATE – Saturday 5th April 2025
The GMDX Committee is pleased to announce that the 2025 annual convention will once again be held at the
King Robert Hotel, Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 0LJ
Provisional Programme
10.30-11.00 Registration for AGM
11.00-11.30 GMDX AGM
Bar snacks/lunches from 12.00 noon.
13.00-13.15 Convention Registration and Welcome
13.15-14.15 XT2MD Burkina Faso DXpedition by Richard GI4DOH
14.15-15.00 Guest Speaker 2 TBC
15.00- 15.05 RSGB Trophies Presentation
15.05-15.30 Coffee
15.30-15.50 The Wonders of EME by Paul GM0PJD
15.50-17.10 Guest Speaker 4 TBC
17.10 Raffle
17.30 Convention Close
20.00 DX Dinner
22.00 Hotel Bar
Card Checking available for DXCC, WAZ, WAS, IOSA and RSGB awards.
Further details will appear here when available.