
GMDX CW & SSB Contests 2024

CW      27 / 28 April              2024         1200Z – 1200Z
SSB     31 Aug /  01 Sep       2024         1200Z – 1200Z

GMDX have teamed up with UKEICC to bring GMDX awards within existing UKEICC CW and SSB events.

What does this mean?

You take part following the UKEICC rules and Categories
Submit your Cabrillo logfile following the UKEICC log submission process, within 24 hours of the end of the contest
Adjudication takes place following the UKEICC adjudication principles
GMDX will publish GM specific results tables shortly after UKEICC publish full and finalised results
Quaich will be awarded to the Scottish entrant with the highest points score in each event, irrespective of entry category
Quaich will be awarded to the Non Scottish entrant who makes the highest number of valid QSOs with Scottish stations in each event, irrespective of category 
Quaich will be awarded to the station with the highest combined points score across the CW & SSB 2024 events