GMDX supports DXpeditions, thats one of our main purposes. We invite DXers anywhere to apply for funding. We’re a small group, so funding is limited, but here’s our main criteria we use to decide which DXpeditions to contribute to..
Application For Dxpedition Support
Funding Criteria for HF and VHF DXpeditions
- The proposed expedition must be high in the HF and VHF most wanted lists for entities, squares etc as relevant
- The Dxpedition should include plans to achieve good qso numbers in North West Europe especially HF expeditions
- We will favour applications who commit to working U.K. stations and in particular GM stations.
- A GMDX Group Application for Expedition Funding must be completed and submitted prior to the expedition.
- Members of the expedition team are expected to fund their own transport costs by public transport to the nearest point of embarkation to the expedition location.
- GMDX Group Members may be afforded special status in application, one or more of the above criteria may be relaxed based on a decision by the club committee.
- Normally we will send our sponsorship after the DXpedition has taken place. In certain circumstances we may donate in two parts 50% up front and 50% after the Dxpedition returns home provided all our criteria is met.
Terms and Conditions
- Should the expedition NOT take place the money shall be refunded in whole or in part.
- The GMDX Group web link and LOGO will be published on the Expedition Web Page if there is one.
- The Expedition will provide the GMDX Group with an article in English including sufficient photographs, for publication in the magazine The GMDX Digest within 60 days of the conclusion of the expedition.
- The GMDX Logo should appear on the expedition QSL Card.
- The expedition must be prepared to QSL via the buro.
- All GMDX members QSOs must be uploaded to LOTW within 4 weeks of the end of the DXpedition. A list of members will be provided to the DXpedition.
- The expedition MUST upload their whole log to The Logbook of The World (LOTW)shortly after the conclusion of the expedition
- No charge shall be levied under any circumstances for sending Bureaux QSL cards or for Logbook of the World (LoTW) uploads
- We discourage any Direct QSL card charge in excess of $5. Voluntary donation requests are totally acceptable but must be clearly identifiable as such
- The applicants must Operate the DXpedition under the guidelines contained within the DX Code of Conduct for both sides of the expedition and state this clearly in their web page.
- It must be clearly understood by the applicant that any sponsorship agreed by The GMDX Group is to be used explicitly for the expedition named in the application. If at the conclusion of the named expedition, there are excess funds remaining, they should be returned to the sponsors so they may be redirected to another expedition of our own choosing. Excess funds must not be directed to bank accounts held by any Individuals, Clubs, Groups or Associations for any reason.
By making an online application for funds from the GMDX Group, you are agreeing to our Criteria and Terms & Conditions