About Us

Founded in 1993, the GMDX Group is Scotland’s largest and premier HF & VHF DX and Contest oriented radio amateur group. It caters for all amateurs with an interest in HF & VHF competitive activity as well as DXpeditioners and those who collect contacts with them.

The Groups main objectives are:

  • To hold an annual HF/VHF DX Convention where a number of speakers present their activity, followed by a dinner
  • To have at least 1 meeting a year with a DX related presentation
  • To support, where possible DXpeditions that meet the support criteria
  • To encourage members activity in the DXCC Program
  • To liaise with other DX Clubs
  • To produce a quarterly newsletter (The Digest) including members views, reports and activity reports along with DX related news
  • To run various award schemes and contests in both VHF and HF
  • To arrange various training and educational events as member demand dictates
  • To encourage participation in the IOTA scheme”
  • To maintain some DX equipment of use to member DXpeditions”

GMDX members include most of Scotland’s Top DXers, along with all Scotland’s Honour Roll members. Many members have taken part in DXpeditions to rare places, and the group is a checkpoint for CQ magazine and the DXCC programs.

Presentations at GMDX events have been made by many top world DXers and contesters. These presentations cover reports of DXpeditions, but also technical and practical aspects of the events. Learning and entertainment go hand in hand.

Membership is open to any Radio Amateurs who have an interest in DXing, Contesting, award hunting or general HF operating. Membership is by paying the low priced annual subscription of £15, most of which ends up supporting DXpeditions asking for sponsorship.

To contact GMDX email gmdxgroup@gmail.com