Celtic Knot Award 

GMDX offer this award for working stations in lands generally agreed to be those of the Celtic peoples, namely Scotland GM,  Northern Ireland GI, Republic of Ireland EI,  Isle of Man GD,  Wales GW,  Cornwall G,  Brittany F, Galicia and Asturias EA1 and to celebrate its Scottish heritage, Nova Scotia VE1.

This award is available in three classes:

The Celtic Knot Bronze award for working 5 stations from each Celtic call area.

The Celtic Knot Silver award for working 10 stations from each Celtic call area.

The Celtic Knot Gold award for working 15 stations from each Celtic call area.

Certificates will be awarded in each category, this is offered free by GMDX Group. Those achieving Gold award will be also be eligible for an engraved Quaich (Scottish Drinking Cup) which also costs £35 GBP, 70 euros or US$70.

The following Rules apply to the award program :

1.   A callsign may only be entered once per award class.

2.   A callsign can be used again in a different award class application, only if it is on a different band or mode

3.   QSL card not required

4.   GMDX may do checks on a callsign and request a screen shot of your logging program or photo of your logbook page

5.   Only QSO’s on or after 1 January 2000 are valid.

Valid Departments in Brittany F, with zip code

Côtes d’Armor    22xxx   

Finistère             29xxx

Ille-et-Vilaine     35xxx

Morbihan          56xxx

Valid area in Galicia and Asturias EA1, with zip code

A Coruña           15xxx

Lugo                  27xxx

Ourense             32xxx

Pontevedra        36xxx

How to apply
Download and complete the Celtic Knot Tracker spreadsheet.

Then complete the Celtic Knot web application form