The GMDX Group sponsors an annual competition to promote VHF-UHF DX and contesting activity in the North and West of the geographical British Isles – the red areas in the map above – and to give stations everywhere else a better opportunity to work those areas.
The Celtic Knot VHF-UHF Competition is based on the GMDX Celtic Knot Award, which is for working stations in GM, GD, GI, EI, GW, Cornwall, Brittany, NW Spain and Nova Scotia.
The Celtic Knot VHF-UHF Competition takes advantage of the activity created by the existing RSGB VHF-UHF UK Activity Contests on 50MHz, 70MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz and 1296MHz. Like the UKACs, our competition extends over the full calendar year.
There are two separate categories, each with its own monthly results ladder:
- Celtic Knot Stations, for stations within those ‘Celtic areas’; and
- Celtic Knot Supporters, to encourage everyone else to work stations within the ‘Celtic areas’.

Scoring is based on the published UKAC results and Open Logs data but GMDX sets its own rules, publishes its own monthly progress ladders and awards its own trophies and certificates.
- Scoring for the Celtic Knot Stations category is taken directly from the published UKAC scores of stations within the ‘Celtic areas’, normalised across each of the five bands.
- Scoring for the Celtic Knot Supporters category is the total points/km from QSOs made with Celtic Knot Stations.
To score well in either category you will need to make some significant DX contacts as well as working the ‘locals’.
To the RSGB VHF Contest Committee and the Contest Support Committee, for organising the UKACs
To every UKAC entrant – no matter who, or where – for taking part and activating our VHF-UHF bands
To the GMDX Group for sponsorship and constant encouragement.
No separate entry is required for the Celtic Knot VHF-UHF Competition. Simply enter a log (or checklog) for each UKAC session in the usual way, and we will do the rest.
Monthly results ladders are published on this site, in the Results Blog.
More information can be found on the Rules/FAQ page.
Spreadsheets: GM4UYZ. Published results and Open Logs: RSGB VHF Contest Committee and Contest Support Committee.