The GMDX Summer VHF Challenge

The GMDX Summer VHF Challenge will take place over 6 weeks beginning 00:00 on Monday 13th May until 2359 on Sunday 30th June. This is a change of dates from last years challenge to hopefully provide better band conditions. No promises.

The GMDX Summer VHF Challenge is a single event using CW, SSB or Digital Modes on both 4m and 6m. GMDX members are expected not to set up FT8 in automated robot mode. You are trusted to operate your station manually.

The overall winner will have worked the most 4 digit maidenhead locator squares (eg IO75) on 4m and 6m to give the highest combined score. DXCC Countries are not counted, only locator squares.  In order to have the leading score, it is expected operators would have to make contacts on both 4m and 6m using all modes.

All GMDX members worldwide are welcome to enter.

A league table will be produced fortnightly. GMDX will provide prizes to each mode leader and the overall leader.  

Acceptable voice modes. You may use SSB, AM or FM. 

Please note you can work the same locator on multiple modes on 4m but it will only count once. For example use 4m to work a station in IO72 on SSB, CW and FT8 but it will only count once towards the  4m locator total.  However you can work IO72 again on 6m for an additional locator square.

The results tables will be based on total of 4 digit maidenhead locators worked on 4m and 6m for each station.

Submit your cumulative totals fortnightly as per table below. We will publish the tables as soon as possible after the cutoff. Final submission during Monday 1st July

Entry submission dates

  • 1.     18:00 on Sunday 26th May
  • 2.     18:00 on Sunday 9th June
  • 3.     18:00 on Sunday 23th June
  • 4.     18:00 on Monday 1st July

Submit your totals using this form

If you don’t work a band or mode just enter 0.

Please note, operators are requested to send in their updated and current scores fortnightly.  Any operator sending in a winning score on the final week with no previous entries will not be included. In the event of 2 or more operators having the same total number of locator squares, the station with the most mode slots will be the winner.

In all disagreements the GMDX judges decision will be final.

For the purposes of a Digest article. please include details of your station especially antennas and perhaps a note of a memorable contact to

Good luck and 73

Gordon MM0GPZ