Author: John Dundas

Articles & Editor Wanted for GMDX Digest

Many of you will be aware that Tom, GM4FDM has decided to step down from editing
the Digest and I’d like to thank him from taking over from me last year.

Meanwhile, I shall be editing the next edition of the Digest so that we
have continuity of publication. Please send your stories and articles to
me at my “dot radio” email address:

I’d prefer pdf files. Word documents are also acceptable as long as any
photos or pics are sent separately (i.e. not embedded in the text). If
it’s a big file then please send via Dropbox.

The copy deadline is 21 February 2025.

The GMDX committee are still looking for someone to take on the role of
editor – drop me a note if you are interested.

73 and HNY

Malcolm, GM3TAL

GS8VL Volunteers Needed

Thank You to Rob, GM3YTS who has looked after the GMDX Club Callsign for some time.

Malcolm, GM3TAL will be the new guardian of the GMDX Club Callsign, looking after the
page and keeping track of requests to use the call.

If you would like to use this call for a calendar month during 2025, please contact Malcolm at:

There have been a few provisional bookings, but there are still plenty of slots still available.

If you have not used the call previously and want to know more, then please contact Malcolm with any

The final operator schedule will be published by the end of December.