Author: admin_gmdx


Every year the GMDX Group likes to ensure that our Club Callsign, GS8VL gets on the air every month, therefore we are seeking volunteers to air the callsign for every month of 2025. If you are a GMDX member, hold a full licence and live in the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands, please get in touch via email @

GMDX SSB Contest RESULTS – 2024

GMDX SSB Contest 2024 – 31st Aug-1st Sept – RESULTS 

Many thanks to those who entered the GMDX SSB contest 2024.

There were a total of 14 GM entrants this year. Conditions on the higher HF bands were poor and overnight activity was very low indeed.

A special thanks to the UKEICC team for supporting us within the existing event and producing the results. Full UKEICC results including certificates are here UKEICC – United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club


Congratulations to John GM0OPS / MM9I as top placed GM, ahead of the GM5G multi-op team of Peter 2M0SQL and Charlie GM1TGY

Congratulations to RADIO TV KLUB MURSKA SOBOTA S53M as leading station with the most Scottish QSOs.

A Quaich will be awarded to John GM0OPS / MM9I as the Scottish entrant with the highest points score in this event and as the station with the highest combined points score across the CW & SSB 2024 events.
A Quaich will be awarded to RADIO TV KLUB MURSKA SOBOTA S53M as the Non-Scottish entrant who made the highest number of valid QSOs with Scottish stations in this event.

Extra Statistics

Antennas and parts available

Free to good home from my antenna graveyard. Suit experimentor or someone looking to get on the bands.
Bundle of tribander parts, complete TA33 Jnr and odds and sods.
5ele 6m beam on 3m boom
5 ele 4m beam on square boom
Cushcraft 2m boomer 13 ele, needs new elements
Butternut HF6v coils and tubes with capacitors (bit flat!)
Odds and sods of ali tube for elements.
Tonna 18 ele for 70cms, hardly used. Located in Edinburgh, pick up only.
Free but would appreciate a donation to GMDX funds or local charity.


Bill VP6WR is now QRV from Pitcairn Island until 15th September on SSB, FT8 and some RTTY

VP6WR Pitcairn


Icom-7300 (100w)

Icom-705 (10w, to be used with Juma PA1000)

Yaesu-FT710 (100w) – backup, may not be used


Juma-PA1000 (lightweight 1kW PA, with probably be used with Icom-705)


DX Commander ‘Expedition’ model. (6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m and possibly 80m)

Hustler BTV Trapped Vertical. (10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m)

Summer VHF Activity Challenge 2024 – Results

Here are the final results of the GMDX Summer 2024 VHF Activity Challenge.  

Congratulations go to Gordon MM0GOR who has been the leader throughout the 2024 challenge. Gordon was active whenever I switched during this challenge so his persistence has paid dividends. He has a total of 479 x 6m squares and 8 x 4m squares for a total of 487.

Last years winner Martin GM8IEM is 2nd with 458 squares including 142 x 4m squares and 316 x 6m squares. Martin was handicapped for at least some of the challenge by his rotator refusing to turn so that is a tremendous effort.

Other notables:

John GM4ATA managed an impressive 126 CW squares and Malcolm GM3TAL achieved 104 SSB squares.

Thanks to all for entering the challenge.

73 Gordon