GMDX SSB Contest 2024 – 31st Aug-1st Sept – RESULTS
Many thanks to those who entered the GMDX SSB contest 2024.

There were a total of 14 GM entrants this year. Conditions on the higher HF bands were poor and overnight activity was very low indeed.
A special thanks to the UKEICC team for supporting us within the existing event and producing the results. Full UKEICC results including certificates are here UKEICC – United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club
Congratulations to John GM0OPS / MM9I as top placed GM, ahead of the GM5G multi-op team of Peter 2M0SQL and Charlie GM1TGY.
Congratulations to RADIO TV KLUB MURSKA SOBOTA S53M as leading station with the most Scottish QSOs.
A Quaich will be awarded to John GM0OPS / MM9I as the Scottish entrant with the highest points score in this event and as the station with the highest combined points score across the CW & SSB 2024 events.
A Quaich will be awarded to RADIO TV KLUB MURSKA SOBOTA S53M as the Non-Scottish entrant who made the highest number of valid QSOs with Scottish stations in this event.
Extra Statistics